HPN is a collaborative of the nation's leading housing and community development nonprofits.
Housing Partnership Network is an award-winning business collaborative of the nation’s leading housing and community development nonprofits, with a mission to build affordable homes, better futures, and vibrant communities for low- and moderate-income people through strong, collaborative partnerships. HPN brings together a national network of high-capacity owners, managers and operators that have collectively developed, rehabilitated or preserved nearly 350,000 affordable homes. To increase the scale and impact of its mission work, HPN and members collaborate to develop and launch innovative social enterprises such as a captive property and casualty insurance company, and a real estate investment trust, owned and operated by members, that acquires multifamily rental units to preserve as affordable housing.
Keywords: Affordable housing, housing partnerships, homeownership counseling, housing policy, public private partnerships, multifamily preservation, nonprofit housing, social entrepreneurship, community reinvestment, community development, smart growth, predatory lending, CDFI